Top Ten Causes of Stress

The Top Ten
1 Relationships

I don't understand how or why relationships are stressful, the smallest microorganism/microorganisms have a symbiotic relationship/relationships with you, you wouldn't be here cause of your parents, love relationships aren't stressful. if you consider relationships to be stressful then you are second guessing yourself, second guessing yourself will haunt you with regret, regret is thicker than blood, your conscious what the relationship is & scaring yourself away & out of it rewrites the stars themselves. you are the universe & you rewrite the universe itself for what you do & scaring yourself by recognizing survival of the fittest niche/niches as fear is for normies who can't be in control of themselves for what the situation truly is, you can't jinx yourself out of stress for stress is deceiving the same why as appearances are, you can meet Satan/Lucifer & never be stressed out because of who they are & sign new contracts with them, Satan/Lucifer can renew your proposal of your contract what you desire/wish most & all will be fulfilled. Satan/Lucifer knows how we tick because they are above your shadow/ego, your stress is out of your own shadow/ego, stress is a billion pins that digs deeper into your flesh to put you in a pedestal of despair, existence is a double edged reflection of parallels

2 Ill Health

I wish I was healthier

3 Childhood Trauma
4 Fear
5 Divorces
6 Employment
7 Financial State
8 Crime
9 Fights

Very stressful for me.

10 Personal Views
The Contenders
11 Time pressure

Not enough time to do the things you have to do can be very stressful.

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