Top Ten Least Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress

Stress is a symptom of overwork, and may lead to depression. This is not a list of humor or jokes. It is a warning of what not to do when stress happens. Although you may vote, please vote on what you think is the unhealthiest.
The Top Ten
1 Do Drugs

This is an absolute no, worse than any of the ones below. Doing drugs will just turn your life completely upside-down. And I do not mean medication, which is completely fine. It is the addictive ones that will mess you up, and will be worse than stress

2 Smoke

Smoking is another no. If you are not under 18 don't do this. If you are over 18, don't do this under stress.

3 Hurt Yourself

Do not bite your nails or play with your teeth or cut yourself

4 Eat Too Much

In fact, this may add to your stress by making yourself fat, therefore ruining your body image

5 Drink Alcohol
6 Keeping It a Secret

Probably should be first. Bottling it up causes a chain reaction of other things mentioned in this list. Release the burden; talk to someone you trust.

In other words, not telling anyone else...

7 Play Too Much Video Games

A little is ok if you want to break from stress, just set a time limit or alarm.

8 Binge-Watch TV
9 Procrastinate

If possible, try to finish all your work so you wont be stressed later.

10 Isolate Yourself
The Contenders
11 Eat Too Much Sweets
12 Take It Out on Others
13 Restrict Calories Too Much
14 Commit Suicide

Yikes! That is too far and very sad.

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