Top 10 Moments of TheTopTens

Ladies and Gentlenerds, take your history books, open page 247 and throw it out the window! We are writing our own history book and these moments will be mentioned!
The negative ones, the positive ones and everything in between. These moments are history of Tens and absolutely site-changing!
The Top Ten
1 Admin creates TheTopTens

Too bad that museums never show us about this historical moment.

Shouldn't this be number one. Come on just think about it.

A great day in history!

The moment of truth

2 The Most Overrated Users list gets deleted
3 The anti-bullying policy gets created
4 20 items per page format introduced

Oh, now I get it. That confused me a lot. I expected to see 100 pages going down the screen.

5 htoutlaws2012 hits 1,000 followers
6 Justin Bieber hate starts

I didn't start this!

7 Top 10 Worst TopTenners list is deleted
8 Britgirl stops visiting after being hit by a glitch

Ahh...that was such a weird six months! I could only read and reply to messages! Just a very strange feeling. I missed so much of what was going on. It's great to be back :D

It's so good to have her back!

9 PositronWildhawk joins

A historic moment? Thanks, CF128. But I think you'll find that the other two impacted the site far more than I did.

A little over two years since I stepped inside...

10 SevenLizards deletes his account
The Contenders
11 SuperHyperdude left

To think I ever hated him. I regret that and I love him now.

Yo, Me, The Ass man was sad at that.

12 2015 design released

I'm still getting used to it.

13 Britgirl joins
14 Danteem admitted that he was Linnea

It was kinda obvious all along

15 Userguy44 returns

I wonder who added this. Pretty honorable to be mentioned here

16 WANGZ7886E Joins
17 The Death of DisneyAnime1234
18 The War of Hypocrisy

I had to add this? SERIOUSLY?

19 Nonpointed comes out as transgender
20 naFrovivuS Reveals his Death was a Lie
21 PetSounds joins
22 The Gamecubesarecool193 War
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