Top Ten Reasons Why It's Hard to Be a New TopTenner

The Top Ten
1 Every List Seems to Have Been Created

I think I speak for many when I say this complaint shows lack of outside-the-box thinking. I understand how it can seem this way, but the second I think of all the lists that HAVEN'T been created, I almost get stressed and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of hilarious and unique options.

Yeah this is true when I first came it was super hard it took me a month to make my first list but later it starts getting easier to make list I'm always making list

Just pick something random like "Top 10 most unusual things to do if the Teacher does not let you use the bathroom "

I swear everything I try to make a list on is already taken...maybe there should be a "Top Ten List Ideas That Haven't Been Taken" list

2 No One Knows You

To me, this was one of the best parts. I liked bringing something new back in the day whereas now, it's harder to impress the audience that have grown to predict my content. Well... Really I don't mind either way!

You suddenly appear but nobody knows you so you don't get looked at, you just got to try to subtly try to draw attention to yourself without looking like an attention seeker

This list explain later me in a nutshell

Most people don't know me still :(

3 No One Looks at Your Lists

I was so happy the first list I ever made only had one comment...It was PositronWildhawk's!

I've been here for about a month, and I am mostly unknown.

4 No One Looks at Your Posts

No one looks at my posts, I agree

5 You Struggle to Become a Popular User

I wish I was popular

6 Your Lists Are Always Underrated
7 Your Posts Are Always Underrated
8 You Don't Get Followed

Wow, just wow. Has it not occurred to anyone else that this is basically the same as every other reason except you're changing the minor all means the exact same thing(almost) and there's not actually that many reasons on this list. Did they run out of ideas at number 2 and just start putting down the same thing over and over again and word it slightly differently every time?

When I was a noob, the first time I looked at my profile, I had a follower. It was htoutlaws2012. I jumped up and down cause I JOINED 5 MINUTES AGO AND I GOT A FOLLOWER! I feel like when you first start, that's all you care about but then you realize that followers aren't the point. Quality and improving TheTopTens are. One you do those things, you will also get followers.

I got more than 10 followers within the first 2 days of Toptenning

9 You End Up Creating Random Lists

In my tie as a new member, I created some real trash-worthy lists. It takes a while to get the hang of how to format a good, quality list. But you adapt quickly.

Random lists get more votes than unusual/different types of lists.

10 You Can't Find Success
The Contenders
11 You are Thought to Be a Troll Account
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