Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Drink Mumbizz01's Coca Cola

The Top Ten
1 Cause if you don't you'll walk into purple guck

Who told those lies that you can drink my drink? I've call my friend Sanic the Hedelog if you drink my drink! 11

If you drink my Coca-Cola...

2 CerealGuy wants to
3 Delgia2K also Wants To

Since his coca cola contains drug, I'll take it.

That's a decent reason

4 It will make you have the ability to have anti-gravity
5 It's yummy
6 Cause if you don't drink it Mr Krabs will blow up a blood moon
7 So Cosmo Can Realize Dork Diaries Is Not Real
8 Mumbizz01 could just have a Pepsi. And Pepsi is better than coke in all aspects

Pepsi is my weakness,

But Coca Cola Ain't that.

9 It will make mumbizz01 tired and weak
10 This coca cola can't be drunk by people who start with The Letter M

Ha! My name doesn't start with the letter m, so I can still drink it!

The Contenders
11 Because BlueTopazIceVanilla discovered it can give you anti-gravity, so she wants everyone to try out the anti-gravity too

I would be cool! We could learn to float in groups, making it easier for all of us.

12 If you want to start doing heroin then it is your lucky day
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