Scariest Cave Noises in Minecraft

The Top Ten
1 Ringing

When I go exploring in a cave... The only thing I'm scared of is the cave noises... Especially the bong.

This one shouldn't even EXIST in Minecraft

2 Screaming Ghast

I think it's a violin smash

3 Demonic Roar

Even though it's not too scary, it's something that'll freak you out.

4 Ghostly Train Whistle

... I keep thinking about that one and is freaks me out!

5 Low Pitch Orchestra
6 Angelic Singing
7 Engine
8 Devilish Breath
9 Distant Airplane Engine
10 Low Gong
The Contenders
11 Loud Bell
12 Demonic Grunt
13 Train Going at High Speed
14 Loud Growl

Freaks me out every time.

15 Fairy Like Sound
16 Children Screams
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