Top 10 Dumbest Places to Have Sex

The Top Ten
In Front of a Police Station

These kind of lists are really comedy gold for some people. I can’t help but laughing at this as well even though I agree

At an Elementary School

All of the little children will do the same thing and parents will be pissed.

At a Funeral
At a Church

DO this at a funeral , lose one gain another !

On the White House Lawn
At a Fast Food Restaurant
In a Torture Room

If you get caught, terrible things could happen to you.

In Space
On the Highway
At Comic-Con

The Newcomers

? At Work
? In a Graveyard
The Contenders
In the Ocean
On a Roller Coaster

If that were to happen, roller coaster might become a new name for a sex position.

In a Subway Train Car

Seriously! That happened right here in Toronto, about 8 years ago.

On a Busy Street

I don't think this needs explaining does it.

In the middle of a forest with killers on the loose
On Your Lawn
At a Wal-Mart
At School
In a Preschool
On a Mountain
In a Waterpark
In a Public Bathroom
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