Top Ten Questions About Homosexuality

This are the top most asked questions about gay. I only submitted.
The Top Ten
1 How do gays have sex

It's honestly disgusting, unnatural, unhealthy. Sticking a penis into their ass is just beyond evil and immoral. It makes people wanna puke just thinking about it. No wonder why people hate gay sex with a burning passion.

I will assume this is just a really stupid question.

If there's a hole, there's a way

I think you know

2 Can you have a gay best friend

Yes. I don't personally have a gay best friend, but I've heard of people who do. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they can't be your friend. You could have many things in common with them and be friends with them, it doesn't matter if they are straight or not.

3 Do gay people have long lasting relationships

I am not homosexual, but I will assume it is like "normal"/stright relationships

They do, just as much as heterosexual people

4 How does one know they are gay

The answer to this is that the signs that someone you know is gay are physical and social. A gay man may walk like a woman, and vice versa. A gay man may have wider ribs and thinner hips, and other features similar to a woman, because homosexuality is a feature that people are born with based on the features of the opposite sex, which includes libido. Another sign is that a gay man may talk about other men they meet more intently, and a lesbian may do the same for another woman; by saying how warm and charming their personality is, regardless of whether the person they are describing is gay.

I slept with 23 women before I was with a man. The women were fine for the sex part but when I started meeting men, it just kind of fell into place.

If they like the same gender? That's really all there is to it.

If they were molested as child, like me.

5 Is being gay normal

It is, its up to you if your gay or bi or straight though.

No being straight is.

I wish I was normal...

Yes it's normal

6 Do gays enjoy sex

ARE U KIDDING... Its 2 men having sex.. Its fun, hot, WILD and you can put more strength into the sex without worrying that she will nag or whine about it.. Its men...we don't tend to whine as much..

They won't in hell when they are burning to a crisp.

Doesn't everyone enjoy it?

7 Is homophobia okay

Is racism okay?
Is sexism okay?
Is irrational fear and hatred okay?


People who disagree with the homosexual lifestyle are often labeled as homophobic (like myself) when they are not afraid of the gays themselves. In fact, they can even have friends who are gay (also like myself). Just because you disagree with something doesn't mean you are scared if it.

No. Not acceptable. Everyone is equal.

8 Is homosexuality okay according to my faith

Definitely the question I find myself asking both to myself and God the most.

9 Is being gay a choice?

It could be, most likely not. But if it is, it's not one that can be changed.

No, I am a lesbian and it is NOT a choice. I didn't just ask to be born gay.

I AM A GAY MAN. NO it is not a choice... While some may fight it throughout their lives, it is something that we have little say about. My brother is one year older than me. He was in prison for 4 yrs for all kinds of crap. I became openly gay after high school and I have never looked back at it as a bad thing..

10 Who are notable gay personalities

Elton John, Jim Parsons, Jodie Foster, Freddie Mercury and RuPaul are gay
Prince, Alexander the Great, Leonardo Da Vinci, David Bowie and Sinead O' Connor are Bi

The Contenders
11 How do I come out of the closet

Very carefully. It will depend on how far out of the closet you want to come.. You need to know what your parents think about being gay. It will help if you have a good idea of which of your friends will stick with you and which will turn away.
I made sure that I had graduated high school as well.. Once I came out, it was fine.. Lost a couple friends (no biggie) MADE LOTS MORE FRIENDS

12 Why can't gays be straight

Why can't straights be gay? It's just the way life works out

I don't know, why can't the sky be green?

Dumb question

13 Why is it always embraced?

Maybe because we where executed for it in the past and its recently been excepted and legalized.

14 What is the "big gay?"

Its when your homosexuality evolves

15 Do you believe there would've been less or no homophobia if King Henry VII had never made homosexuality illegal
16 Do you think Christian extremists are just afraid
17 Do you think Russia will ever legalise
18 What do you think of people who say only gay people like ABBA and Eurovision
19 Do you Americans know that in Britain "Fag" means "Cigarette" and not an insult?
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