Top 10 Best WWE / WWF DVDs

Shawn Michaels is a real legend. He is one of the greatest players.

Best WWE box set of all time. Absolutely amazing, a must-see for all fans of the Deadman and for all WWE fans in general.
Loads of classic Taker matches.

Greatest matches of all time. Wrestlers putting their bodies on the edge.
Awesome DVD full of epic and bloody matches.
The most epic Hell in a Cell matches ever.

Just an amazing DVD set. Bret was truly the greatest pure wrestler ever! Really awesome set, to say the least. 5 stars!
Fantastic DVD, to say the least. 5 stars, no less. Really amazing. Bret Hart is the best wrestler of the '90s in WWE!

Such an inspirational documentary for a superstar who overcame everything that could drive a person to suicide.

BATISTA! This Royal Rumble was packed full of surprises. One of wrestling's best years and the greatest Royal Rumble of all time!
It's amazing. One of the best DVD events I've seen in a while! I love it!
One of the greatest events in PPV history! The road to WrestleMania goes Hollywood, and also the fall of Evolution!
The Newcomers

Great documentary. Great matches. He is so inspiring. A must-watch for Punk fans and Punk haters.
I love CM Punk, and this documentary just makes my love for him increase. It's so insightful. It really does change your life.

Great wrestler, great set of matches, and a nice documentary. Therefore, this deserves to be in the top 5 of best WWE DVDs. Although I think the Stone Cold DVD from 2011 was even better than this one!

Most action-packed, legend-status, and greatest matches known. Amazing soundtrack, best I've ever seen.
Unforgettable! Scott Steiner debuts and smashes the hell out of Rico. The Brahma Bull vs. Bill Goldberg. Kane and RVD were together during this period! This is by far the greatest PPV!
The good old days of WWE, not like today, where The Miz is WWE Champ. In those days, it was impossible for John Cena to be world champ. But in the PPV, Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena is one of the maddest matches. Now, WWE hardly shows blood.

"He's a murderer," we know! So is Jimmy Snuka, by the way. Vince McMahon is also well-known for covering for him. Scott Hall is a murderer too. The number of crack addicts too. Guess what. They're human. Humans are flawed, especially when they pump themselves full of drugs and alcohol, then take copious amounts of knocks to the head.

It is awesome. It shows SCSA is the best wrestler of the Attitude Era!

Really great documentary of the Hart family. Not just with Bret, Jim, and Owen, but with the ENTIRE family, except a few. Filled with great matches as well.

I have this on DVD because, in England, they released every single Attitude Era PPV on 'Tagged Classics,' which are transferred to disc straight from the original VHS. Sadly, they are now also out of print, but I have nearly every PPV from 1998 to Royal 2002.
Rikishi! How can you forget Undertaker choke-slamming Rikishi into the truck!