Best Small Business Loan Alternatives

Sometimes, even business owners with solid financials and a great business plan can be declined for a traditional small business loan. Thankfully, there are companies out there who can provide small business loan alternatives. These programs are often easier to qualify for than traditional funding sources, and can make working capital available quickly. Here's a list of the top ten providers. Vote for your favorite, or if you disagree with the list, you can log in and add your own pick.
The Top Ten
1 Bizfi

Running a small business is hard enough without lenders trying to take advantage of you. Bizfi is a great option for anyone looking for an alternative to a small business loan because they don't try and stick you with one program that may or may not work for you. They listen to your needs, get to know your business, and then show you lending options that will not only work for your business, but give you the best chance to succeed going forward.

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2 Fora Financial

They were able to give me a loan within a few days. Very simple application and the money has been a huge help for my business

Best loan company for small businesses by far. I've recommended these guys to several of my friends, family members and even some customers.

My experience with Fora Financial was excellent. Everyone was very helpful and courteous. Thank you!

Really quick funding, had a great experience. Already on my second round of financing.

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3 Advance Funds Network Visit Website
4 Capital Lynk
5 BCI Lending
6 AEX Commercial Financing
8 SoFi Lending
9 Corporate Credit Success
10 Wise Man Finance
The Contenders
11 MutuiOnline
12 Car Cash Loans
13 SMB Compass

"The founders of SMB compass are extremely passionate about helping small businesses achieve growth. They are dedicated, patient and reliable. Matt & Corbin are very knowledgable and well connected. I have been lucky to work with them for nearly a decade. What a great team! "

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