Worst Pee Colors

The Top Ten
1 Red

What the heck is with this list the only pee I know of is yellow, clear, and red... Who pees blue pee? Or even turquoise and green, I mean seriously people!

Yeah pretty much any color but yellow or clear! Is not a good combination, but I go with red because that is like really bad!

You people are idiots. Pee can only be yellow or red (which is bloody pee), not all this crap.

Yup definitely the worst color because red pee is bloody.

2 Blue

This list=what what what. There is no such thing as green, blue, or black pee. Seriously, whoever made this list is either really high or really stupid.

To the person recommending a doctor: there's no need to call the doctor if you're a girl and on your period. That's when pee is usually bloody.

Once I peed with white but all ecxept white and yellow they don't exist maybe just when you drink paint but normal people pee yellow

If your pee comes out in any color other than yellow or clear, consult a doctor immediately.

3 Yellow

This is the normal color of pee. All the others (except red) are complete crap.

Just imagine that yellow pee! I wouldn't be able to live with myself anymore!

Shouldn't be yellow. Not unique enough.

4 Indigo

Indigo is a beautiful color, but if you pee that color then you need to see a doctor.

This list is hilarious!

5 Black

Maybe if you ate undissolved Kool-Aid you could get this color of pee.

Black? How the hell do you get black pee? Laugh out loud

There is no such thing as black pee.

6 Green

Don't panic if you have green, it most likely means you have eaten green food dye

7 White

They say a white pee appears when you pee with your mouse instead of your ass

8 Orange

Pee with a little bit of blood in it

9 Purple
10 Pink

Pink lemonade, made freshly from the animal body!

This is probably bloody pee.

The Contenders
11 Turquoise
12 Gray
13 Olive
14 Bordeaux

What color is this? Someone please tell me.

Dark bloody pee

Just look it up.

15 Gold
16 Lilac
17 Silver
18 Lime
19 Bronze
20 Magenta
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