Top Ten Cutest Long Names for Girls
My sisters name. Its got good nicknames as well Lottie Charlie
This is a pretty name!
Isabella from Phineas and Ferb. A good name, even though I'm a male.
It's a really cute name and if I'm wrong..…i don't want to be right #awesome
It's more beautiful than #1,haha..,joke
Good name, to bad I'm a boy.
Elizabeth has always been at the top of the my complete list. I don't know why, though. Maybe it's just Queen Elizabeth.
This is my middle name
In PRE-K all the way to 1rst I had a friend named Elisabeth and she moved and It makes me cry
I love my name but if I had to have another one this would be it because it sounds so lovely and majestic!
I just love this name. I wish it were mine.
That was for the worst name
A very common name! But still very pretty too!
Hey, this is my name! Go Angelina!
I'm sorry, I'm not going to name any daughter I may have after a beetle.
Katelyn is NOT long!
Sounds like a good one for Evanescence fans.
Creative, but adorably cute
It can be cute, especially if you shorten it to "Anna", but at the same time it sounds beautiful, and will age well if you use it to name a child.
This is a boy's name as well!
One of my names is janessa. I love it because it's mine