Top Ten Reasons to Support #Birdcabal

The Top Ten
1 Birdechosplash said if she had to date someone from TheTopTens, it would velitelcabal

Now my username is used as a verb instead of a noun? Velitelcabal is now a verb? What's the meaning? Lol

2 Their banter is what people dating do, so why not make it official and start dating

Lol. I'd rather date someone else.

3 Therandom has already shipped this
4 Velitelcabal thinks birdechosplash has potential

That's just a 50-50 probability. Just like everyone else.

5 They both stated they like to gossip
6 They both like torture posts
7 Both have friends that argue with one another

Bird actually has friends? Haha

8 It's the best ship on TheTopTens, even better than gluga

I agree with this, though. Lol

9 It would be a better love story than Twilight.

In fact, any love story would be.

10 Both have have a secret admiration for each other
The Contenders
11 They message each other, something couples often do
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