Top Ten Best Roy Mustang Quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist & Brotherhood

The Top Ten
1 So this is your true form then... You're ugly. Envy means jealousy. That's what your name means, right? I get it. And jealousy is an ugly thing... Now burn in Hell!
2 Yes, but a trained dog never defies the orders of its owner... Really? Then maybe we'll just have to put you [Edward] down.
3 You told me I couldn't kill you [Lust]... but I'd like to try and prove you wrong. So let's see... How many times is it gonna take?!
4 Dog,huh?..I love dogs!..Dogs embody loyalty,they follow their masters' commands above all else.Be a jerk to them and they don't complain and they never once beg for a paycheck.Trust me..they're the great servants of man!Loyal canine how we salute thee!
5 Maria Ross was a fugitive. Our orders were "shoot to kill." So I did... About Hughes' death... I apologize for hiding it. But you do not argue against orders... or ask for explanations. Just follow them.
6 ‘Killed in action’ and promoted two ranks for it.Brigadier General Hughes..You were the guy who was going to work below me,and push me to the top.Then you get yourself killed,and pass me in the ranks.I don’t know what’s more absurd:you or the stat
7 A State Alchemist must be willing to act..take another's life when ordered to without question..Mr. Tucker's actions and our own..not..far apart,when it comes to interfering with other people's lives.We choose our..path,knowing full well what we're doing.
8 This is ridiculous! Five grown men trying to sneak a peek at a ghost on their night off... Let's just hurry so I can sleep... What the hell has the maintenance staff been doing?
9 The power of one man doesn't amount to much..but..little strength I'm capable of...I'll do everything humanly possible to protect the people I love,and in turn they'll protect the ones they love.It seems like the least we tiny humans can do for each other
10 Like I was saying, it's always a lot scarier dealing with the living. Give me a ghost to talk to any day.
The Contenders
11 That day, all female officers will be required to wear...TINY MINISKIRTS!
12 It’s-it’s going to rain today.
13 I’m going to become the Führer, Maes. It’s the only way I can justify taking my next breath.
14 You were stupid enough to confess, and even more stupid to boast! Everything you've said is fuel on your funeral pyre! So then, I think I'll begin... By burning out your tongue!
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