Top Ten Strangest Dreams the TopTenner Garythesnail Has Had

Pug(Puga's former account) made a list similar to this, but this time, it's all Mikey, baby! I've got a reputation for strange dreams, so be prepared to laugh!
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 I dreamed I was in my science class, and everyone was in a Squidward costume. Shrek then comes to play dubstep that the Squidwards dance to, and my friend kisses everyone's foreheads for no reason.

I've had this really weird sleeping pattern recently where I can get a good sleep, but remember 4-5 of my dreams. really weird.

*claps* You have a wonderful mind. *applause*

Just when I though my dreams were weird

Yup, that is definitely a weird dream...

2 I dreamed that I was in a bouncy house and a Gingerbread man with a chainsaw comes in and starts cursing at me in Korean.

Wow. Texas chainsaw gingerbread. What did he do with the chainsaw?

You know how to swear in Korean?

A Korean murdrer gingerbread?

3 I dreamed I went down a Warp Pipe in my street to find that Clank(Ratchet and Clank) was floating like a balloon. Bowser and 2 Kirbies then come out and start doing dance moves together.

Sounds like the new Nintendo game reveal.

4 I dreamed my house was invaded by rectangular prisms that told me "WE ARE JEWS. BOW TO US."

Nice list! your new best, mikey!

Every time I read this I always think of Isreal in Polandball

Are the islams triangular prisms?

Haha! Good list :D

5 I dreamed that I was at church, then Barney comes onstage dressed like a death metal musician. My friend blows up the building and Barney screamed "F*** YOU PERRY THE PLATYPUS!!!!!"

Perry the playtupus is the problem to this world,he does not like churches

That Is Hilarious

Well Well Well weLCOme bACk mR.caPItaL

6 I dreamed I was walking down the street with my brother, then a chicken with a pistol begins chasing us.

Are you referring to me? Because on other websites, my profile picture is a killer with a chicken mask.

And that cow has a knife,

7 I dreamed that my school was being attacked by zombies, and Mordecai and Rigby started eating the zombies like Pac-Man.

This sounds like a legit Regular Show plot.

8 I dreamed that Whispy Woods was in my front yard playing the ukelele and singing "What is Love?"
9 I dreamed that Veggietales was on and Bob had Chris Rock's voice. He then shot Larry for stealing his 5 dollar bill.

Moral:Never steal Chris a rocks 5 dollar bill,or you will pay...him back the money and if you don't he shoots you.

A new post episode creepypasta :3

This list didn't make me laugh.

You told me about this!