Top Ten TopTenners Who Entered In Superhyperdude's Theme Song Contest

The Top Ten
1 PositronWildhawk
2 PetSounds

Heck, it should be TTT official song. That's how much members need to take away from it.

3 keycha1n
4 bobbythebrony

His was awesome and totally twisted. Definitely channeled some Eminem in there too. I loved it.

His hilariously sick-minded broadway musical was worth seeing.

5 Delgia2k
6 Superhyperdude
7 gemcloben
8 Puga
9 IronSabbathPriest

Mine was more of a poem than a song, to be honest. But I'll still keep it.

10 CerealGuy

I actually had 2 theme song one is official and unofficial

The Contenders
11 LizardKing99
12 Turkeyasylum
13 Therandom
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