Top 10 Most Hilariously Stupid Conspiracy Theories
Popularized by conspiracy theorist David Icke, this is one of the most nonsensical theories ever. Icke claims that almost every world leader, including Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth II, are reptiles from space. Surprisingly, this theory is supported by people from over 50 countries, and Icke's lectures often draw large crowds.
So, obviously, this is true. They feed off the souls of humans. Also, because of this, they need the souls to keep their human form.
Humans can't breed with other species!

As if the "Fake Moon Landings" theory wasn't crazy enough, conspiracy theorists came up with another ridiculous idea: that the moon is a hologram created to hide something behind it. Wow...
Those who truly believe this must also believe that their own existence isn't real. Everyone else should treat these special morons as holograms and disregard whatever crap comes out of their mouths.
Not only is this patently false, it's just disrespectful to the amazing men and women who made the moon landings happen.
The theory was spread by the director of the Accelerated Christian Academy. He believes that dinosaurs existed with humans and helped humans build the pyramids in Egypt.
There used to be a TV show where dinos went to jobs and ran corporations, so why not construction?
They are extinct, not intelligent enough, and couldn't physically do it anyway.

Seriously? Why would he? He doesn't hate Muslims either. You people need to rethink things. But if that is your opinion, then go for it. I mean, this is America, and we all have a right to free speech. -EC
Knowing this site very well, it's pretty much what the users of TheTopTens would believe. NOBODY else would believe it.
It's true, look it up. It's so obvious. Trump has the money to buy bombs and destroy Building 7 to hate Muslims in the USA. Trump hates Muslims and wants to kill them. He calls it the Holocaust 2 or the Crusades Part 4.

Conspiracy theorists (or paranoid dumbasses on weed, as I like to call them) believe that Obama's government owns a top-secret weather machine, which they use to change the weather for political advantages.
I found out where this conspiracy theory came from. It's the Illuminati! It's H.A.A.R.P.
Kim Jong Un, a god who can control the weather - not Obama.

Flat Earthers claim that Australia is a hoax. They believe that criminals in Britain were originally thrown off ships to drown in the ocean and that Australia is an imaginary country. According to them, for the past 80 years, 162,000 people have died trying to get there. They assert that pilots fly planes to nearby islands or cleared spaces in South America, and that Australians are all actors and computer-generated personas, all as part of a plot to trick the world.
They say the moon landing was a hoax. They claim there is no such thing as gravity. They believe the sun goes around the Earth. Many are Christian extremists who give the religion a bad name. Try phoning a country where it's nighttime while it's daytime where you are. Okay.
Um, I think it is the other way around. Global warming and climate change are both theories. While there may be pollution in certain areas, there is a fine line between that and climate change. -EC
I'm the Trump, and it's fake news! Climate change doesn't exist! I want a Wall of America to make it Great Again.

This one actually doesn't make sense at all. I read that Hebrew numerals work differently than ours. Three six marks is actually 18, or 6+6+6. 666 is written as the numerals for 600, followed by 60, followed by 6. All those characters look nothing like the Monster Energy symbol or anything else other than what they are.
A popular YouTube video, which has gathered over 8 million views, spread the ridiculous idea that Monster Energy was created by Satan. The video shows a lady comparing the Monster logo to letters in the Hebrew dictionary and pointing out that the three claw marks resemble three 6's.

Really? Why would they want to check our stomachs? Are they concerned about food hygiene?
The Newcomers

There was someone in my Year 8 class who believed this. It's the moment where you think, Yeah, I don't think I can be bothered arguing with such absurdity.

Am I the only one who DOESN'T think it was made in a lab and that it went around previously undetected before 2019?

Good, they deserve the islands.
I can't believe it. You think Gaben can count to 3? Pray, and maybe we'll get 4.
There actually was a Stanford research study that showed tinfoil hats leave your head more exposed to rays (i.e., CIA mind-reading rays)... Go figure.
The Illuminati ended in 1778. Get that into your brain if you have one.
If you think it's still around, you don't have a brain.

The internet is filled with "horror stories" of people talking about how they "escaped the evil clutches of a yoga class" and "denounced yoga and embraced Jesus."
I really find yoga to be the opposite of "satanic worship." I honestly don't even know how anyone can think of something like that.
Hmmm, yoga is in Mind, Body, and Spirit magazines. The body pages are also about diet and healthy food. Oh, that magazine is so satanic, isn't it? NO.

According to the website DailyBuzzLive, most cases of Ebola can be traced back to iPhone 6 units shipped from Sierra Leone. The website reached a height of stupidity when it also provided safety tips and instructions in their article for users to disinfect their iPhone 6s.
One of my friends had an iPhone 6 for a couple of years, and they don't have Ebola.
I don't have Ebola, and I've had my iPhone 6 for almost a year.
The first-ever Superman comic book had triangles on it.

I can't help laughing my butt off when I see a YouTube video or a blog post trying to explain how the "Illuminati" is trying to establish "The New World Order."
There's a reason why most people treat this as a joke.
The Illuminati is defunct now. It DID exist in Bavaria, but now it doesn't.

This is a theory supported by Kanye West and the former South African president.
If Kanye West supports it, you know that this theory is full of BS.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.