Top Ten Things to Do If Your Crush Has a Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Worst things that could happen. Also, please don't do this if that happened. This list is just a joke. I know some things are impossible.
The Top Ten
1 Kill Yourself
2 Kill Everyone
3 Eat Poop

Okay... I recently found out my old crush got a girlfriend... so should I eat poop now or something?

4 Drink the Ocean
5 Kill His/Her Boyfriend/Girlfriend
6 Join the Contest "Miss Poop"
7 Drink Your Medicine
8 Eat Your Brain
9 Join the Contest "Most Broken Hearted Girl/Boy in the World"
10 Move on
The Contenders
11 Eat Soap
12 Cut your hair
13 Cry
14 You somehow end up with them and have their ex call you a stealing slut
15 Scream "Deez Nuts" at them
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