Top 10 Ways to Apologize to Your Wife

We've all been there. My wife never gets mad at me but I know in my heart I'm sorry.
The Top Ten
1 Have Sex
2 Propose

Come on "PositronWildhawk"! Get off your high horse. Your lists are not great, and it was probably their best try. Maybe they meant to say girlfriend! Give them a break because most of them looked pretty good.

Propose?!?! You're married already! This would just look too warped!

3 Give Her a Massage

Good to apologize, let her relax, and you know she deserves it.

4 Go On a Date
5 Say You Are Sorry and Mean It

That is true, I agree.

6 Pour Her Wine

Not all women drink wine.

7 Take Her On a Lovely Cruise

What is the wife gets boat sick, or something like that? Just saying.

8 Have a Heart to Heart Talk

If the wife don't want to talk then the husband should be more understanding.

That's a good and healthy idea.

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