Top Ten Secrets About TheTopTens User Speed

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 He hates starwars and harrypotter
2 He doesn't like our plan to go to Mars in 2020 because he's an alien and he dosent want anyone seing his alien family
3 The user speed died in 324bc and I'm a demon possesing him in his body
4 I'm skinny and strong and fast cus a ghost gave me his powers for all this
5 I have powers
6 My career ideas started when I was 4
7 I do ok at school mothing to brag about though
8 Not saying I'm the hottest person in the world but I have no bad features except sometimes my hair gets messed up in the wind and I get bruises and cuts on face but they heal making me hot again
9 My family died in 455bc
10 I hate everyone that isn't a monster