TheTopTens Users Who Would Make Great Politicians

These users could really ramble and get peoples votes right? You be the judge! my general assumption of what you feel about it therefore in theory you are actually interested.
The Top Ten
1 Turkeyasylum
2 velitelcabal

I'll have to fight communism!

3 PetSounds
4 PositronWildhawk
5 ModernSpongeBobSucks
6 bobbythebrony
7 WonkeyDude98
8 Finch
9 Billyv

If I were ever elected I'd probably have to assassinate myself.

10 Puga
The Contenders
11 kontrahinsunu

I added myself because I'm studying law and if I ever got elected senator, hard work and campaign is my game.

12 2storm
13 BarneyTheDinosaurRocks
14 BigBrotherYESTotalDramaNO
15 TwilightKitsune
16 AnimeDrawer
18 DonaldTrump
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