Top Ten Things That Annoy Skullkid755

Some stuff annoys me, here's a list about that stuff.
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 Zelda Hate
2 The Phrase "Frozen is Better Than Gravity Falls"
3 Donald Trump Praise

I love Donald chirp and his hair that looks like a maze,

4 Abraham Lincoln Hate

Aberham sucks,he used a telegraph,that's not how your supposed to talk

5 Pickle and Peanut Praise

Pickle and peanut

6 Nintendo Hate

Lel Nintendo sucks m8,it owns games including an Italian plumber running forward just to slide down a flagpole,a game with one of santas elf swinging a sword at explosive wobblefets and blue pigs,all just for a set of three fake illuminates

"Nintendo sucks, why is it popular and not *lists 500 first-person shooters*"
-90% of teenage gamers. Luckily for you, I'm in the other 10%!

7 Playing Majora's Mask and Running Out of Time in a Dungeon

That's annoying,and kinda scary

8 Shooter Praise During Rpg Hate

Shooter > Rpg

9 Email Spam

This is why gmail is annoying.

Should I do it with messages

10 People That Add Untrue Stuff On Lists About Skullkid755

This is a warning people!

Guys,I'm gonna make a list telling rumors about Skullkid lel jk