Top Ten TopTenners of December 2016
To bad he started to retire because of work. We'll miss him.
Briliant and intelligent, with the best taste in music. She is the best, forever. She likes great bands like Metallica and Megadeth and is kinder than other users.
Thanks for putting me on the list
Thanks for putting me on this list! - NikBrusk
Thanks for noticing and including me in this list. MetalObsessed, welcome to the big metal family of TheTopTens!
Thank you very much for adding me.
Thanks for adding me I appreciate the support.3.
Extremely underrated and the user I'm closest to, amazing in lists, posts, comments and especially that it's great talking to him. He got me started on TTT, and I owe him a lot for that. He also helped me with my first list, and is one of the reasons why I am receiving more followers. If you see this, thank you so much.
This Is For Users Active in December 2016, Not Users Suspended In December 2016
I'm always the best user, even if I am suspended.
Guys, listen to me. Who hates Modern SpongeBob, rants on bad episodes of Modern SpongeBob, and is a good user? The correct answer? NOT MR. ENTER. It's someone else, but not someone who deserves to be number 1 on the list but at least someone who deserves to be on the list.
It's funny how he deleted this account after just joining in one night. Proves just how cowardly of a person he is, huh?
I was so happy finding out his account is deleted. He's a bland and annoying troll
His profile picture is funny - NikBrusk