Top Ten Colors That Might Describe Users of TheTopTens

The Top Ten
1 Blue, which symbolizes calm and intelligence - PositronWildhawk

I like your thinking, but blue isn't my colour. My favourite colours are red, green and purple, because I like a unique blend of positivity and insight.

For those who are not on this list, I can add you if you message me and tell me your personality.

I love blue- it's my favorite color.

2 Gray, which symbolizes cool and neutral - PetSounds

Delgia2K, you could have made this list after seeing my 3 lists top 10 things that associate with the colour red, green and yellow.

3 Orange, which symbolizes creativity - keycha1n

Orange looks awful with all of my favorite colors. Therefore, i find no reason to use it, and I don't like it. For example? Orange and green, orange and purple, orange and blue, orange and pink... All bad combinations in my opinion!

Dang. I hate orange with a burning passion! Ah well, ill make it work... =)

Orange is a great color

4 Red, which symbolizes love and passion - Keyson
5 Yellow, which symbolizes joy, happiness and intellect - Britgirl
6 Green, which symbolizes nature and energy - Finch

Ah, Green! The colour of hulk!

He's an outdoor person.

7 Black, which symbolizes evil - Forever_Smiling13

Don't take it literally, I mean she might not be evil in real life. The reason why I think the color black describes her is that she is the ruler of underworld.

I don't think a single color could ever represent Kris! I'd say she's like... tie dye rainbows.

I don't know her personally, but I'm sure she's not evil. I imagine she's anything but that.

Nah, Black symbolises Hitler, Osama, and the Government.

8 Orange, which also symbolizes success and creativity - Turkeyasylum

I've never really associated mtself with orange, but I get where you come from with that.

9 Pink, which symbolizes grace and beauty - Britgirl

Aw, thank you :) I do like pink, but I prefer soft pinks over hot pinks though.

10 White, which symbolizes goodness - BKAllmighty

I appreciate the consideration but this could describe most of the people on this site and on this list. I'm not sure how I feel about being associated with good and evil o_0

White is goodness and black is evil to you, Delgie? Not good for your reputation.

The Contenders
11 Purple, which symbolizes grandeur - Kitretsunu
12 Gray, with symbolizes cool and neutral - batmaniscole
13 Black, which symbolizes evil and darkness - MostTalented_BoyX
14 DfffGray, with symbolizes cool and neutral - gray_profile_pic
15 Amber, which symbolizes wisdom and happiness - Emberflight_of_StormClan
16 Black, which symbolizes evil and darkness - camaro6
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