Top Ten Evidences That McKing1003 Doesn't Get Due Credit

The Top Ten
1 He must add add himself to a best users list

It's ok, everyone does.

2 He tries to make good posts, but not many people notice

You and your post are awesome!

3 He makes lists the best he can, but no one goes to them at all

Your lists are awesome mate.

4 Took him 4 1/2 months to get 50 followers

You'll get your time. At that time, I had about 13. I then had about 40 at the begging of 2015 (after 9 months) so you got more followers in 4 1/2 than I did in 9. And now I have 91. My 50th follower was wolftail and that took me 10 months.

Took me about 6 months.

5 Only people he knows message him
6 He has been teased by users who didn't respect him

Maybe it's because you SHOUT OFTEN. Try to type without the caps lock on, it helps.

7 He gets negative feedback
8 He is always voted out in blog posts
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