Top 10 Funny and Sarcastic Things the British Always Say in Conversation

This is basically what the British mean when we say certain things we do not actually mean.

If you are not British but have experience with these sarcastic quotes, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Enjoy, of course.
The Top Ten
Really interesting. Go on...

The British tend to imply with this phrase that what the other person is saying is complete nonsense, which people rarely buy these days, even some other Brits.

Everyone thinks we're actually interested. Nope, we're just freaking polite and incredibly sarcastic, but no one realizes.

"Oh my gosh, mon ami! I'm so frigging interested!" A bit more apt, eh?

With all due respect...

Putting the sarcasm aside, we often mean, "I think you're an imbecile" or "I think you're crazy."

I've used this myself a few times. It works quite well.

With all due respect, I think you're bonkers!

Not bad...

We actually often mean it. Don't all assume we're trying to avoid a put-down. Sometimes we are, but not always. It all comes down to the context.

Sometimes we mean: terrible, worst idea I've ever bloody heard. But it can actually mean not bad either.

Most of the time this one is genuine, so...

May I suggest this...

Typical Brits rarely take no for an answer with this one. It's often with an approach with sheer wisdom, trying to get you to follow their intentions to the letter.

It basically means that we think your suggestion is inadequate and ours would be much better. But, being British, we do it in a gentle, subtle way. We don't want to hurt your feelings after all.

That's brave of you...

Just means you're extremely and unhumanly stupid.

It's my fault, really...

Translates as "No, it was definitely your fault, you complete idiot." People often think, "How come?" and can't see that we're obviously being sarcastic.

Translation: it's entirely your fault, but I don't want to hurt your feelings.

With you all the way...

People in the UK who use this phrase are trying desperately to change the hideously boring topic of conversation. It's a line you shouldn't cross when you see it.

Come over sometime...

It's politeness. Unless they fancy you, it's just politeness, which may be awkward later on. You never know.

Let's take that on board...

Anyone in Britain who says this ignores whatever was brought up, never to speak of it again.

I'll bear that in mind...

Translation: Can we PLEASE move on to another topic of conversation? This is too boring.

What you just told me is utter nonsense, and I would never need to know that in life.

The Newcomers

? That's a good idea, but let's hear everyone's suggestions before we come to a conclusion.

Translates to 'Your idea is rubbish, can somebody please say something that's worth my time?'

? Bollocks
The Contenders
I consider myself disappointed...

This is when that person is so annoyed that they could snap at any moment. If you hear these words, remember your karate. You might need it if you say something even of minor irritation.

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