Top 10 Funniest Text Message Alerts
There are so many different text alerts out there, but these are some that I can remember because they made me laugh. Feel free to add your own suggestions for great alert tones as well.It doesn't matter if they're made up - if you think it would sound funny, go ahead and add it to the list!
This should be an answerphone message. Imagine if your grandmother or the taxman phoned you and got this! Chortle!
Oh my god, I love this one! - IceFoxPlayz
Amazing. Pure amazingness.
This actually used to be my text tone. I got rid of it after it went off in a big crowd near Hyde Park. So embarrassing.
One of my favourites.
Everyone will be listening for the message.
Haha, I'd be like, No, no, no! NO! Don't!
Hah. This is the best. Why is this not first? Why.
I seriously want this one. Fabulous.
Brilliant to hear in a library. Haha!
This might be Nick Clegg's text tone.
Relatable... sadly.
The Newcomers
This would be hilarious (also kind of embarrassing, and if you want, sad) in public now, since, y'know, post-2023.
Great way to draw attention.
Or boy... Lol. I can already imagine my friends' faces if they were to hear this - at least, the two who know who I have a crush on. Too bad I don't have his number. Too bad I'm not friends with him either. Too bad I always feel shy around him.
THIS. Why is this not higher?