Things We Really Shouldn't Laugh At But Do

The Top Ten
Racist Jokes

So there's an Italian, a Mexican, and an American on a boat. The boat is sinking, so the captain says they each need to throw off something their country has too much of. The Italian throws off pasta and meatballs, the Mexican throws off cocaine, and the American throws off the Mexican.

This is so offensive and hysterical!

They are so funny! I'd call anyone a liar who says they have never laughed at at least three racist jokes. It doesn't make you a racist, it means you have a sense of humor.

Yes, I admit, I find them funny - even jokes about the English (of which I am very proud to be). They're just jokes - read or hear them and move on.

A Foreigner Speaking English Badly

True story. This teacher wasn't really a foreigner, but he was doing attendance until he called my name and said Rachul. I nearly died but stopped myself because I had to correct him.

Horrible, I know. But I bet foreigners would laugh at you if you spoke their language badly, so it's all good.

Actually, this is great, but racist jokes are totally terrible.

Sexist Jokes

Q: Is Google male or female?
A: Female, because it doesn't let you finish a sentence before making a suggestion.

Men are like parking spaces: all the good ones are taken, and the rest are handicapped. (I'm a man, but that joke is gold.)

Q: Why do brides wear white?
A: Because that's the color of most kitchen appliances!

Someone Tripping Over

It's really bad to admit, but someone tripping over their feet and pretending they're not embarrassed by it is very funny.

Sorry, but when a fat classmate tripped, I had a hard time controlling my laughter.

Sometimes I do laugh when someone trips, but I know it's wrong of me.

Someone Struggling With Their Shopping
Watching a Kid Getting Spanked in Public

I would NOT like to have this experience ever. But I've grown up to the point that this kind of thing will never happen to me (except if anybody loves to spank a high school student). But yes, this is really funny! And I don't want this kid's parents to see me laughing.

It's actually really, really funny watching an ungrateful brat act up in public and their parents just whooping them. Hey, I got spanked as a kid, and I turned out just fine.

It's so weird after I laugh at this because people stare at me like, "What is wrong with you?!" It's so hard not to laugh though!

Watching Someone Fall Off the Roof

I can imagine someone with a bland expression on their face as they tumble to a bloody fall into rose bushes and cement.

Laugh out loud, this list is hilarious, and this is the funniest option. Love this list, Britgirl, you're always at the top.

Someone Wearing A Neck-Brace

They just look so funny when they're trying to turn their head. But it must hurt like hell.

People With Aspergers

I can see where the humor may come from, that being the behavior of some people with Aspergers. But the fact that they have it and can't help themselves isn't funny.

I once heard someone say Asperger before. Of course, me being the insensitive idiot I am, laughed my head off. You know what it sounds like! I didn't know what Asperger's was. I still regret it.

They can be funny because of their strange tendencies and awkward behavior, but I still feel bad for them.

Someone Getting Hit In the Crotch

I'll never know the true extent of the pain this causes, so I will laugh. If I were a dude, I'd probably laugh a little less.

I used to laugh at this... but after a very unfortunate skateboarding incident, I just remember the pain.

It's only funny when it happens to someone other than yourself.

The Newcomers

? People Saying the Word "But"

I don't know why, but whenever certain people say the word but, it improves my mood. It's just funny for some reason.

? Other People Sneezing

Whenever someone sneezes and it isn't me (which rarely happens because I hardly ever sneeze), I always have to hold in my laughter. It's just funny to me how someone else's nose shoots out mucus.

The Contenders
A Weird Sounding Name

You can just die of laughter when you hear them on Impractical Jokers. In one of the "Try Not to Laugh" challenges, Murr and the others failed when they had to call those names, like "Rachel Dahabahaba" and "U'nique Areola."

Chris P. Bacon
Ima Hog
Dick Pole

Just why?! You're making life so much more humiliating for your poor child.

At school, I knew a Miss Ing, and to make matters worse, she was almost always absent.

A Fat Woman In Leggings

If you can't laugh at yourself, what's the point of anything? Animal print... SEXY!

When You Catch Someone Masturbating

Here's some advice: lock the door next time you masturbate.

Someone Who's Lost Their Winning Lottery Ticket

Or someone who did win, but ripped up the ticket thinking it was a joke.

Sad, but sometimes downright risible!

Autistic People

I'm autistic, and the fact that people make fun of me for it is awful.

I have seen WAY too many people who use autistic as an insult.

I am autistic and this is just bullcrap. I have been overlooked all my life just because I'm different. I agree that I can be pretty funny, but do I really have to live this life?

Well, this list isn't called "things we shouldn't laugh at but do" for nothing...

Someone Farting In Public
Someone Who Has Big Ears/Nose

Lea Michele has a big nose, and it looks very funny on her.

When Someone Is Upset Because Their Pet Goldfish Has Died

Ha, I knew it would only be a matter of time before this happened.

Already happened, and it was Justin Bieber's mugshot.

I was laughing when I found this out.

Someone With Dried Food On Their Face

Or a booger! That's much harder not to laugh at.

People Getting Hurt

I tried not to, but one time, someone fell out of their chair onto someone else's desk, and I started laughing. The whole class looked at me.

It's funny as long as nobody dies.

Yo Mama Jokes
People Naked

I saw a half-naked guy walking around at the hospital in public once.

Someone Mentioning Osama Bin Laden or Hitler
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