Worst Insults Ever
These are some stupid things to say in a fight. Consider yourself stupid if you use them. Some of these are okay, but it really depends on whose saying it.Damn, this joke is horrifyingly bad. No need to explain anything, really. I mean, you read it, and you already know what everyone else thinks. If that makes any sense...
I said that when I was 4 years old. It's annoying, and if someone said that to me now, I would hit them in the face with a brick.
Dude, all my friends say this. I seriously don't get it!
It's stupid! It doesn't make any sense whatsoever!
This is disrespectful, even if you say it to your friend.
When people say this to you, just stare and walk away.
Just... Why?
At least it's to the point.
Does this even classify as an insult? Only someone in a psychiatric hospital would be offended by this.
This is really stupid and weird. I mean, why would you say this? It doesn't even hurt the other person. Duh!
That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard as an insult.
That is just dumb! My sister said that to me once when I was wearing one of her shirts, and she didn't even realize what she had done!
Okay, they're either just playing around or they have some serious mental problems.
Why is that a bad thing? Most people in school don't like it. I have yet to discover someone who does.
That's just dumb.
It's not even a proper insult. It's something a three-year-old would say.
How is this even an insult? It's just dumb. I mean, I don't even like school, and there's nothing wrong with that.
In the 20th century, nerd or geek was an insult. But maybe things like the TV show Freaks and Geeks helped turn those words into compliments. It's not an insult anymore.
Calling someone a nerd is actually a compliment because the person calling him a nerd is basically admitting he's stupid while the other guy is smart.
Again, how is this an insult? The word nerd just points out that you're more intelligent than average.
You can't find the space between your ass and your brain, though.
Wow... And I can find the keyboard!
I'm wandering around in space, and I need a drink...
All this one needs is a little improvement, and it will be a good insult.
This is so easy to make a comeback to.
Um... Who's living in a house, and who's living in a box? That's a pretty easy choice if you ask me.
The Newcomers
I told a kid in my school that 6ix9ine is a child rapist, and he responded by saying that I, a 13-year-old, am a child rapist. God, I hate middle school kids.
The only people who say gluteus maximus are those who want to sound smart. It doesn't work.
This is just something you say to make yourself look smart. Who says gluteus maximus anyway?
Funny definition: Gluteus maximus is the strongest (or maybe the biggest?) muscle in your body, located in your buttock.
Me: Why don't you just shut up? After all, you're so ugly that when your mom dropped you off at school, she got a fine for littering! Someone call 911 because you just got burned!
DerpyFriend: Yo mamma!
Me: Are you joking around, or is that your comeback? Because I bet I could eat a whole bowl of alphabet soup and come up with a smarter comeback than what you just said!
DerpyFriend: Yo mamma!
Me: What are you, in elementary school? That makes no sense!
This one is horrible, as I find it extremely annoying. I feel like punching their teeth out when I hear it.
How would your mom be incorporated into this? "Yo momma" is only useful in "yo mama" jokes, right?
This essentially is admitting defeat when said.
This is the worst insult. You should put this at #1. When people say that as a comeback, Beck should be disappointed in them.
This is the most overused insult that idiots fling at people without even realizing that "gay" is a sexual orientation, not an insult.
It's annoying how people use a sexual orientation and a word that means happy as a stupid insult to mean lame.
Well, this used to mean happy, then it meant lame, and now it means homosexual.
Weird, because girls can be very athletic... If sports are what the insult is about, at least.
This isn't an insult. If you play a little better, I'm sure you'll run like a girl too.
Then I hope you don't remember me. You must cause a lot of extra work for your family by remembering me.
That's rude. Justin Bieber worked hard for his music, only to be made fun of and forced to do these things. Everyone was hating on him after "As Long As You Love Me" due to the "sexual content." He had enough and gave up, and that's why everyone hates him. Put yourself in his shoes before you make comments like this again.
"Worked hard?" He doesn't even write his own songs. Did you even read the comment above?
That is really bad math. 1/10 of 1% means I'm 0.001 times as bad as Bieber.
Girls can look good with or without makeup. There is such a thing as natural beauty, which many girls have. Makeup doesn't always help. Sometimes a natural appearance looks better. And no, I have nothing against girls who wear makeup occasionally.
It's so stupid, it made me laugh. How is this not in the top ten? It's the best worst joke ever.
When people say this, you can tell they didn't take the time to think up a good insult.
At what? Truly, there's a lot that I suck at. What are you implying I suck at?
It's like they don't even bother to come up with something good.