Top Ten Interesting Facts About TheTopTens User Curti2594

The Top Ten
1 He's the same age as Keyson.

Wait. What if he IS Keyson? Hm... Joking!

2 He's a big fan of respect.

This is Very True And Thank you for making such a nice list!

3 He never hurts people's feelings.

He's so lovely. There's not a bad bone in his body. Love him.

Curti2594 isn't capable of hurting anyone's feelings.

He'll do that when pigs fly.

4 He has 12 lists.
5 He loves hockey, wrestling, basketball, and soccer.
6 He loves the adventure genre.
7 He loves all kinds of music.

Really? He loves all kinds of music. I can't believe that. Mmm...

8 He has never undergone the pleasant experience of going to jail.
9 His username ends in 2594.

Ha! Bet you didn't know that!

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