Top Ten Things You Secretly Wonder About Other TopTenners

The Top Ten
1 Does PositronWildhawk Have A Pet Bird?

The answer to this conspiracy is no. I have cats, and I'd be unable to keep them off the birds. Especially given how many dead ones are found around my place.

2 What's MontyPython's Favorite Comedy Movie
3 How Do Britgirl & Keyson Communicate Except For TheTopTens

I guess you'll have to keep on wondering, won't you...

Calling and texting obviously.

4 Is Keycha1n Related To Keyson?
5 Can SirSkeletorThe3rd Take Over The World
6 How Did TheTopTens Think Of The Name "admin"?

That was Thomas A. Edison's middle name.

7 What's Garythesnail's Favorite Show Except SpongeBob?
8 What Do TheTopTens Users Look Like?

I've wondered what a lot of users look like. Mcgillacuddy sort of did a face reveal, and I do know what two other users look like (one told me, and one showed me what they look like), but I wonder about the rest...

I wonder what Britgirl looks like.

My profile says it all..

9 What will they all do if TheTopTens shuts down forever?

I'd find something else to do. It's that simple.

10 If TopTenners participated in the Hunger Games who would win and who would lose?
The Contenders
11 Are They Majority Brits, Majority Yanks, or Majority Other?
12 How Many TopTenners Could Chuck Norris Take Out With One Punch?

Probably all of them.

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