Top Ten Most Delicious Foods TopTenners Own

The Top Ten
1 PositronWildhawk - bacon sandwich
2 Nateawesomeness - sour gummy worms

I had to add mine here didn't I,well because sour gummy worms are the best!

3 EpicJake - Spicy Chicken Sandwich
4 Anoymouschick - skittles

She talks about skittles a lot so I figured she has some

5 Puga - steak
6 BlueDiamondFromNowhere - sandwich

She said she has a sandwich

7 Catacorn - fish
8 DapperPickle - Pickle

I know he loves his pickle but I don't think pickles are that good for me

9 GaryTheSnail - Super Mushroom
10 YellowShadow - Fries
The Contenders
11 lovefrombadlands - Pringles

Pringles are so good!

12 MontyPython - Tea with a side of biscuits
13 RiverClanRocks - Burger
14 RalphBob - Chick-fil-a Chicken
15 SamuiNeko - Tuna
16 Thebestuser - Salt
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