Top Ten Users that Put Out the Best Sports Content in 2018

The sports department of the site has really improved this past year. Is has been led by really good users. They range from basketball to football to soccer. If I leave someone out feel free to add someone or comment. Note this is only from 2018.
The Top Ten
1 htoutlaws2012

Ht has been a great leader for the sports community on TheTopTens. He is primarily football, but he also does some other stuff. This year was probably his best year yet. He is also very well rounded in terms of his post and list consistency.

2 Randomator

Randomator has really grown to be a amazing user. Randomator shows a great balance between college basketball and pro football. Puts very informative list and post.

3 2storm

I mostly put out NBA content. I have been a lot more consistent than years past (even though I could still put out more content.) In my opinion one of my best years in a long while.

4 PackFan2005

An amazing user. He is, his name implies it, a hardcore Packers fan. He holds a lot NFL knowledge. He is also very consistent.

5 phillysports

He likes all Philly Sports. He shows a good mix of a bunch of sports.

6 GS99

I think he is very underrated. He quietly contributes a lot to the basketball community.

7 Ned964

Every once and awhile he'll contribute some information to the basketball section and maybe some football of the sports community.

8 Puga

Puts out some good soccer content every once and a while.

9 TristGamer

Gave some nice opinions, but he left earlier in the year.

10 SirSheep

Thanks for including me on this list, I can't wait to see what 2019 has in store.

The Contenders
11 BreakFastBeast2005
12 Metal_Treasure
13 DoroExploro13
14 TerryThebestsoccerplayer
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