Worst Things About TheTopTens Users
For example, Top 10 Reasons Why Adolf Hitler is Better Than Justin Bieber. There's no way a leader who killed millions of Jews can be better than a terrible singer.
Oh I can already this list is going to be garbage, well I'm going to get my bleach for this.
I will admit people do run out of ideas, but to be fair they don't have too many options.
Most of them just disrespect other people, while the others are just friendly to them. I noticed that this website doesn't have enough positive feedback on every item. They hate on too many things they don't like.
Some users are somehow a bit of annoying, not gonna say who because that will be an insult. But the majority are not.
Um, annoying? No, just no. Some of us are actually really nice. With a few exceptions ( you know who).
Quite a blatant stereo type right there some users are rude others aren't. Most of the time the only "rude" people are trolls that say offensive things just for notoriety.
I used to be rude when I first posted comments here back in 2017, but now I redeemed myself in 2019.
I am not rude myself, but there are a few TopTenners that are rude.
Sorry to say this, but this is true. I don't care how many thumbs down you all give me.
Did you ever think about the fact that there's very limited topics to use for lists? In this generation of new users, it's especially hard since everything has been pretty much made already. So how can you expect lots of variety?
Darcyc: you do realize that makes you horrible too? You are making a lis, you have an account, therefore you are a user.
The Newcomers
This is basically every "worst days" list. There are also one or two users who are guilty of this. I will not mention any names though.
This is quite annoying, sure it's okay if you don't like a certain celebrity but it's not okay to wish them death and hope they will die.
This is kind of the point of the whole website...
The jokes about him are old and adding him to the list of the most evil people in history is an exaggeration. He may be annoying, but the people who can't stop talking about how much they hate him are much more annoying than Justin Beiber himself.
I said this many times before and I'll say it again.
Justin Bieber is like the 22nd worst person of all time according to this site. He's apparently worse than Kim-il-Sung, Vladimir Putin, George W Bush, Henry the 8th, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, Bashar-al-Assad, Robert Mugabe, Jair Bolsonaro, Benjamin Netanyahu, Xi Jinping, and many more.
Respect people if they agree with them but if you disagree they will make you feel bad for liking something and tell you why your opinion is wrong. Also they hate on opinions on a list since it is not what they agree with.
The same people that complain about people not respecting their opinions go out of their way to slander people for liking something they don't.
And this list isn't hypocritical? Quite sure it is...
No, you're quite right; some are more equal than others.
Now this is agree. Lots of people have more popularity than others
Isn't that how the whole world is?
I am pretty intelligent myself. Whoever put this on here, is not.
I guess its just some TheTopTens hater from YouTube.
I made it to the great Australian spelling bee.
I'm a huge "nostalgiatard," if that's what they're calling them now. Maybe it has to do with my obsession for 80's movies or my obsession with time travel or my interest in History. I, personally, live in the past, present, and future.
I hate nostalgiatards. They think that everything that came out after the games they loved is terrible. Kinda stupid. But again, this is BROAD.
I don't think using nostalgia as a reason to defend your topic applies logic very well.
On a list of Worst Phineas and Ferb Characters, I saw about 5-10 characters that never made an appearance on the show. Like, Princess Peach, Barbie Doll, Minnie Mouse.
Where are bands such as The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Linkin Park and Hollywood Undead not considered overrated?
I'll tell you. This site where at least 70% of the user base is whiny middle schoolers that pitch a fit when someone criticizes their favourite band thinking overrated means bad when that is not at all what it means, and act like it's the greatest band to ever grace the Earth.
Yeah, this is true. But how dare you call us horrible! You're a hypocrite. Also, you say we make bad lists? Maybe you were talking about yourself.
Most of the time visitors are rude to users, and the user can defend themselves from a visitor but usually the visitor is 10x more rude then the user is.
Are you saying that visitors can't be worse?
Usually visitors are rude. That happens to everyone including me
I kind of have to agree with this one.