Top Ten Weird Ways to Thank Your 500th Follower On TheTopTens

Cheers to Unicorn for helping me reach this milestone!
The Top Ten
1 Send them microscopic capsules containing compressed coke and Mentos, which will explode in the stomach when eaten.

I'm honored that I'm your 500th follower, but I'll pass on all these. Except for the bacon sandwich and the Miley Cyrus Concert...

2 Sing them 500 songs that you're secretly embarrassed to like, only add elements to make it more to their musical taste.

Well, Unicorn, you were also my 200th follower by some strange coincidence. So I guess I owe you 40% of all these items.

Problem is that I can't actually think of 500 different songs.

Unicorn was also my 50th follower. WHAT IS THIS I don't EVEN

Unicorn, it's obviously not aliens, that would be crazy, it's probably iluminati

3 Set them up with a boy/girl they hardly know and drop them at a Miley Cyrus concert, taking their clothes as you leave

They'd fit right in with the vibe of that concert.

Sounds like a great first date.

4 Tattoo the Mandelbrot Set on their buttocks to the accuracy of an Ã…ngstrom
5 Make them do the Cinnamon Challenge, Ice Bucket Challenge and Sprite-Banana Challenge all at once

Is that illegal?

6 Make them a bacon sandwich just like PositronWildhawk's bacon sandwich

Don't worry! I'll steal your bacon sandwich and put it in my cloning machine! And then, the the! Here's your bacon sandwich!

You can't take mine, but you can have one just like it.

7 Give them Puga's Guinness
8 Drop them in a pen full of mutant pigs and safari explorers, armed with nothing but a halibut

No matter how many pilchards they throw at you, you know what to do.

9 Give them a cameo appearance in the Gluga movie

I can't tell if Michael Bay will approve...

Michael Bay Approves

10 Make 500 lists about them

Positive or negative? Haha!

The Contenders
11 Remove any annoying hairs on them with a flamethrower

If I ever reach this number of followers, I'd like to get someone else to do this for me.

12 Rickroll them 500 times
13 Eat their pie
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