Things You May Not Have Known About the User Randomthings

The Top Ten
1 He has a problem pronouncing R sounds in words

I do in fact have a speech problem. I can also speak very fast, which makes what I say incomprehensible. It can also cause slight stutters, but I don't have a problem with stuttering, on it's own. It's only R, and speed/volume.

2 He has a Rosemary seasoning addiction
3 The only meat(s) he eat is Chicken and Fish

If there isn't a choice, I'll eat what I get. But, when I do get a choice, it'll have to be either Chicken, or Fish.

4 He enjoys school and reading
5 He has a 27 year old brother, and an 11 year old sister

This is as of the date of: 9/26/2018

6 He was Zoocksycootserana

I've mentioned this already, but it's good to get it out as many times as I could.

7 He once drank atleast 7 Fantas in one day
8 He has blonde curly hair
9 He usually always in all black clothes
10 He peed 10 times within a 2 hour period of time