Top Ten Careers Certain TopTenners Should Have

I can tell your fortune,you will have. Certain carrier....
The Top Ten
1 RockFashionetta - NASA
2 PositronWildhawl - scientist

Positron isn't in the top 3 because he's positron wildhawk,it's because he's good at science

3 NintendoFan - Nintendo game worker
4 Disney1994 - Disney movie worker
5 RiverClanRocks - scout leader
6 Gary the snail - entertainer

He is pretty funny,I bet this will be easy for him

7 TheRandom - soldier
8 It'sDaWorldOfSnugglez - doctor

She knows very much about diseases

9 MatrixGuy - firefighter
10 Kitersunu - comedian
The Contenders
11 Camaro6 - meteorologist
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