Top Ten Least Favorite Colors for Males

The Top Ten

Its not sexist there just saying they don't like pink and why. its sexist if someone is treating someone else poorly because of their gender. if someone were to say girls are stupid why do they like pink that is sexist. I believe I am clear

I'm not a fan of the colour, though I don't hate it for being "girly". Pink being girly is merely socially constructed, and 1000 years ago it wouldn't have been seen this way.

I vote for pink but I don't hate it. You know what I REALLY Hate, people saying pink is too girly. That is SO Sexist!

Hot Pink

No, I am a boy and purple is my favorite color and red is my least favorite.

Purple is my fifth favorite color. Most of my friends don't like purple. 22%

What. There is nothing wrong with purple

Mint Green

I am a boy and my favorite color is blue the resign I hate this color is it looks like poop

In my opinion, I like brown. It has really had its gloomy days, and some still yet to come. 27%

My least favorite color is BROWN but it is neiter dark red nor orange. they are other colors.


Of all people, I know yellow looks good sometimes, but my only problem is that a little too bright.


Orange is a good color, the color of my favorite college sports team, The Tennessee Volunteers.

Orange is my second favourite colour, also. It does not deserve such hatred!

Orange is my second favorite color. WHY? 22%


First favourite colour. And I know I'm not alone.

I think blue is cool, just not neon blue. 1%

Overly liked. Color of sadness.


Silver is basically grey so I guess grey is one of my favorite colors

Ugh. The color of a cloudy day and of smoke. Overrated

Kinda like storm clouds before rain


Red is communism. That's why I voted for it in a democratic system (which communism in many places had/has).

Red? Least favorite? That's impossible. Me as a male LOVES red!

Dude, red is awesome. Blue and green are sweet too.

The Newcomers

? Neon Yellow
? Khaki
The Contenders

Green is my second least favorite color, but I don't understand why it is in #7. 2%

Did that sketch pad from 'don't hug me I'm scared' put this down

Well it's actually my favourite


Not to be nitpicky, but white is a hue, not a color. Both white and black are the absence of color, so they can't be colors.

I am the creator, and I know white is not a color. People just think it is.

White is just nothing...I mean white is just practically not a color


It's the color of fish guts but still awesome!

Hearing the name makes me hungry.


Well, technically it's not even a colour. But I think most of us already know that. It's a shade.

I like Black and all these colors. I'm not a colorful person but I still like these colors

I don't really care for this color. I find it overrated.


Terrible. It is very dull and bland. It should be higher on the list. WHY ARE RED,GREEN,AND BLUE HERE

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