Top Ten Worst Things That Could Happen On Father's Day
I can't believe that you forgot his present is ahead of this! This is just really sad to think about your dad dying on Father's Day! That has to be among the saddest things on Earth
Well close enough, but my Grandpa died on Fathers Day 2011. I'm crying right now... His day! My dad bought him a T.V. but he couldn't do anything with it! Hopefully he's in heaven.
That'd be sad. I told my father about this and he agrees. But still, what is your father like 100 years old? He has cancer? He got hit by a car? WHAT?!?
Hey dad, I'll celebrate a little later, where's the present, YOUR SCREWED
Happy Father's Day... Wait do I know you
This should be number one, talk about a one pound or more of hurt.
Let me guess, you took your dad to the grand canyon
Because that's a great way to start your day.
This is awful if your big brother bullys you, but bigbrothersucks is just stupid, he worry a about nothing but his big brother
I have little brother, so Its impossible for me
It's just that dad got a concussion and he got amnesia, now his gift will need to be a doctor
I don't even know what I would do if my own dad forgot my name.
Happened to my brother. He wanted to call him. He called him Zubair although his name is Faizan
Laugh out loud I could not stop laughing.
Maybe he's talking to little brother, he'll talf to you later, doht worry
The Newcomers
I like that show. Except for the fifth season.
This is so hilarious (not really if it is actually true), seriously this should be #2
I know the embarrassing feeling of having beans thrown at you by 5th graders.
But seriously, who put this on here?
That's just insulting, I'm in 5th grade but I don't BULLY
What does this have to do with Father's Day?
This happened to me once. We were playing chess (involuntarily and he intimidated me) and we reached a point where I was obviously gonna lose. He kept saying "Don't quit, don't quit, don't quit" but there was really no point to it, so I stood up and tried to walk away. He lost his temper, shouted at me to sit down, and lunged at me.
Next thing I knew, he slammed me into the tiles, pushed me into a wall, smacked me several times, and injured my mum while she was trying to protect me.
The worst part is, he chickened out of court and people act like he's such a "good" person.
Well that was rude father, well now I'm gonna play video games and do nothing with you now
Get lost little brother, it's dads special day today
, A GoAnimate reference that definitely conveys 100% Child cruelty(! )
I would probably throw the gift away
Well, how did I know this would be on here?
That's just wrong, gae female singers is what moms like to hear music from, fathers like old time
Based on personal experience