Top 10 Reasons Why the K-Pop Industry is Horrible
While I like some K-pop artists and songs, I don't listen to them that much anymore because the industry is as toxic as hell. We need to shine a light on this horrible industry and the pain it causes the artists involved in it. If you still want to listen to K-pop, just listen to it less and you can also listen to covers (JANNY makes good English covers and listen SOMIN makes awesome Korean covers).In 2017, a member of the boy band SHINee committed suicide. In his suicide note, he revealed that one of the main reasons he took his own life was pressure from fame, which caused depression. Another case was with Blackpink member Jennie, who was often in the spotlight and received most of the attention from her company. She was frequently bullied by fans who told her to leave Blackpink. While Jennie did not commit suicide (thank God), she has shown signs of depression and anxiety.
Why can't they just go out and eat whatever they want? It's not like they're going to go to jail or something like that for eating how you're normally supposed to eat.
OneKet from Global Icon only consumed one bottle of soy milk per day. The girl group Nine Muses reported following the "Paper Cup Diet," where they only ate things they put in a paper cup (rice, fruit, anything but sugar).
A lot of musicians are liked for their looks, not their sound.
Being underweight is just as unhealthy as being obese.

The idols usually cannot show their own ideas, or the company may reject them. Usually, it's the company that decides what should be done, from the music, visuals, hairstyles, outfits, stage names, etc.
The Newcomers
That's sad. Idols should be able to love whoever they want/be the gender they want to be.
In Asian cultures, being LGBT is considered a taboo subject. Because of this, many K-pop stars find it difficult to come out, although some have come out.
Male stars get away with scams more often than female stars do.

Wait, racism played a role there?
There's a lot of racism towards black people in the K-pop industry, such as appropriating their cultures and making fun of them. I don't think the idols hate black people. I'm just saying that it's stupid to make fun of black people while using their styles.
The obsessive K-pop fans, putting the idols under stress.
There should be more variety and creativity in there. What about a Down syndrome idol? Or a half Italian, half Korean idol who looks like a mob boss? Or what about a very silly and weird idol who got plastic surgery to look extra goofy? What about a fat and curvy idol? There are so many ideas!