Reasons to Annoy Alphaq

Most people say I'm pretty annoying at times so I'm doing the ultimate piece of annoyance. Annoying my main user, AlphaQ. Pay attention that this is myself were roasting, not some other Toptenner so no hate comments please. Feel free to add whatever you like.
The Top Ten
1 He's 5'2" and probably isn't taller than most TopTenners

I'm short and idgaf cause I get more ladies than the taller kids in my grade.

2 He is half-Godzilla
3 He enjoys pulling pranks on people

Too true. I'm sorry than I'm not sorry that you've been pranked.

4 He's too energetic
5 He is a professional at skateboarding

My favorite sport.

6 He is skinny and bony
7 It's super fun!
8 He is addicted to pizza
9 His dreadlocks look like spaghetti
10 He secretly made this list

Lol, you probably know that I'm AlphaQ.

The Contenders
11 His ego is huge
12 AlphaQ despises Queen
13 He hates Bohemian Rhapsody
14 He hates Metallica
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