Top Ten Sexualities and Identities that Often Get Confused or Stereotyped

NOTE: I don't think there are just two genders. I also haven't been 'indoctrinated' to either side or community. I created this list for alternative explanations.
The Top Ten
1 Bisexual
2 Transgender

Transgender is a gender

3 Asexual

My mother is asexual, and I HATE the stereotype that aces don't want to have it.

4 Homosexual
5 Demisexual

This isn't the same as asexuality. I suspect myself of being demiromantic. The feelings tend to be intense and extreme.

6 Pansexual
7 Lesbian
8 Genderfluid

Look, not EVERY genderfluid dresses up in gender neutral clothing. Nor do they all go by they/them. They just have an expression of any gender that just changes.

9 Aromantic
10 Agender
The Contenders
11 Aromantic Asexual
12 Bigender
13 Pangender
14 Greysexual
15 Non-binary
16 Demigender
17 Demiboy
18 Intersex

Intersex is a gender

19 Demigirl
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