Top Ten Awkward Times to Have a Non-Sexual Orgasm

The Top Ten
1 When the church preacher yells "Can I have an amen?!"

I'm sure all of the 10-11 year old top tenners are wondering this too.

This is so funny!

2 While watching videotaped evidence during a serial rape trial

I'd be scared... then I'd feel really dumb. This list is hilarious

3 During a moment of silence at your school
4 While watching a sex scene in a movie theatre

And you said it wasn't sexual in the title.

5 While talking to the pretty cashier at the local grocery store
6 When The Lonely Island Performs Jizz In My Pants at your wedding
7 Before intercourse even starts

Remember: never finish too early.

8 While undergoing surgery
9 While strangling a prostitute

What?! No! Can't say the urge has ever gotten hold of me. Not even that one time when...doesn't matter.

10 While being murdered by your spouse
The Contenders
11 While being interviewed on television
12 During a meeting with a country leader
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