Top Ten Dumbest Things to Say to a Demisexual

In case you don't know what demisexual is, it means sexual attraction to someone you have an emotional connection with (Like a crush you are good friends with). I identify as demisexual and I have been told some stupid things, so enjoy!
The Top Ten
So you don't like sex?

No, I don't wanna have sex with anyone unless I feel close enough to them

You never know if you don't try.
That doesn't exist
Are you a thot?

Believe it or not people have mistaken demisexuality as being a cheater, and no, I just don't wanna have sex unless I feel a connection between us.

You will never have kids!

I don't really like kids that much, they annoy me, so why would I have them

Does that mean your gay?
Isn't that called asexual?

Asexual means no sexual desire of any kind, Demisexual means sexual attraction to someone your close with.

Maybe try this...

I'm coming out to you, not asking for advice

Maybe you/your partner isn't good in bed.

I haven't even felt a sexual attraction to them, so why would we do that?

It's a phase.
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