Top Ten Dumbest Things to Say to a Demisexual

In case you don't know what demisexual is, it means sexual attraction to someone you have an emotional connection with (Like a crush you are good friends with). I identify as demisexual and I have been told some stupid things, so enjoy!
The Top Ten
1 So you don't like sex?

No, I don't wanna have sex with anyone unless I feel close enough to them

2 You never know if you don't try.
3 That doesn't exist

It does exist.

4 Are you a thot?

Believe it or not people have mistaken demisexuality as being a cheater, and no, I just don't wanna have sex unless I feel a connection between us.

5 You will never have kids!

I don't really like kids that much, they annoy me, so why would I have them

6 Does that mean your gay?
7 Isn't that called asexual?

Asexual means no sexual desire of any kind, Demisexual means sexual attraction to someone your close with.

8 Maybe try this...

I'm coming out to you, not asking for advice

9 Maybe you/your partner isn't good in bed.

I haven't even felt a sexual attraction to them, so why would we do that?

10 It's a phase.
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