Top Ten TopTenners' Hogwarts Houses

Please add yourself to this list. For my first remix, I just put you in what house I think you're in. Sorry if I got it wrong.
The Top Ten
1 Hufflepuff: Britgirl

Hufflepuff means that you are hardworking, patient, loyal, kind, true...To me, this is exactly Britgirl's character.

Britgirl is a total Hufflepuff! She's probably 1 of the most kind and hardworking users on this site.

2 Ravenclaw: Oliveleaf
3 Ravenclaw: 2storm
4 Hufflepuff: HufflepuffGeekGirl
5 Gryffindor: FlareLightX
6 Slytherin: birdechosplash
7 Gryffindor: RoseWeasley
8 Hufflepuff: leafstar
9 Hufflepuff: HaiThere

I actually took one of those Harry Potter House quizzes and got this.

10 Gryffindor: PositronWildhawk
The Contenders
11 Slytherin: BonJovi17

The amount of Pottermore tests that I have taken just so I could submit myself as anything but a Slytherin would make you think I actually LIKE Harry Potter. I must've gotten Slytherin twenty times. I wanted any Hogwarts house BUT Slytherin, but that's what I am. Yay.

12 Hufflepuff: PeachyBlast

Peachy could be in Gryffindor, but Hufflepuff definitely suits her

13 Slytherin: admin

Definitely. No argument here.

14 Slytherin: Puga

This just fits so well

15 Gryffindor: BlueFrostOfThunderClan
16 Hufflepuff: NuMetalManiak

That makes a lot of sense.

17 Slytherin: Therandom

I think he'd rather be in Gryffindor because he's the sort of person you'd find there

18 Slytherin: Darthvadern

The hat almost considered placing me in Ravenclaw, but I managed to slyther over to the green house.

19 Gryffindor: TwilightKitsune
20 Slytherin: GalaxyMoonCrystal

Slytherin is the best house you can argue if you want to but you'd be wrong

21 Ravenclaw: Cyri

You guessed it.

22 Ravenclaw: Sloth21
23 Ravenclaw: keycha1n
24 Slytherin: MiketheHuman
25 Gryffindor: Discord1
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