Top Ten Dreadful Puns Involving the Letters of the Greek Alphabet

Thought I'd do a spin-off of my dreadful puns series. To help you understand, here is the Greek Alphabet (all lower case):
Alpha α
Beta β
Gamma γ
Delta δ
Epsilon ε
Zeta ζ
Eta η
Theta θ
Iota ι
Kappa κ
Lambda λ
Mu μ
Nu ν
Xi ξ
Omicron ο
Pi π
Rho ρ
Sigma σ
Tau τ
Upsilon υ
Phi φ
Chi χ
Psi ψ
Omega ω
The Top Ten
1 I was asked what my favorite letter of the Greek Alphabet was. I ν I η think about that.

Lol, that is funny

2 This joke is π-ning for first.
3 Greek cows say "μ".

Okay, it was funny at first, now you're just milking it.

4 ι ξ more jokes.
5 γ β joke than this.
6 I δ better one before.
7 α β comeback later.
8 My θ aching from all of these bad jokes.
9 These jokes make me σ.
10 This last one can join the back ρ.
The Contenders
11 Δ is a triangle
12 I'δ like some π
13 I'm crying with laughter. Pass me a τ.
14 Greek Martial Arts include φ χ.
15 Here's one more. ψ-che.
16 Let's bake a π
17 ρ ρ ρ your boat.
18 I η π for breakφ-st
19 Do Greek snakes go ΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣσς?
20 That moment, where you'δ end with ω.
21 River δ? Never heard of one.
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