Funniest Things to Say to Someone Who Is About to Punch You

The Top Ten
1 You want a taco

When it goes good:
Yeah sure I don't wanna punch you anymore!
When it goes bad...

Because tacos are awesome!

Ya I want a taco

2 It looks like I don't have to take that test

That would be fun

3 Yo mama so fat that she made your fist big

I'd do this from now on

4 Oh my gosh I'm not dead

You did a very good job

5 I am a pretty dolphin
6 Hey you have large fists
7 It looks like I have to run away
8 Before you punch me may I go to the bathroom
9 You can't punch me you meanie
10 Shut up
The Contenders
11 I’ve never harmed a fly, but I’m afraid I’ll have to harm one now in order to protect myself!
12 Uno Reverse Card!
13 Chuck Norris is my uncle
14 Wait! Can I arrange something for you?
15 Wanna play fortnite?
16 My face is bony and might bruise your knuckle...just warning!
17 Tell my friends and family that I love them!
18 I’ve never heard silence quite this loud.
19 Hey itsuka kendo, where's monoma?
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