Top Ten Other Things to Do With a Lemon Given by Life

The Top Ten
1 You give it LemonAIDS
2 You throw it in the bin
3 You throw it at Life's face
4 You do a political rant on it

Lemons are just too conservative for their own good. Yes, I am referencing the lemon currently in office.

5 You throw it down on the floor and stump it

Into the carpet. Then dry it with a blow-dryer so it's caked into the ground.

6 You do a food challenge and consume the entire lemon
7 You pretend to be Life and give it to someone else
8 You go to a fruit shop and sell it to board to an iceberg were everyone dies
9 You squirt it at Life's face
10 You burn life's house down

My sister has a t-shirt that says that

The Contenders
11 Lemonparty
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