Top 10 Most Ridiculous Alternatives to Toilet Paper

These are the things that you could use instead of toilet paper... oh wait, you probably shouldn't.
The Top Ten
1 Money
2 Guillotine blade
3 Corn cobs
4 Hydrogen fluoride

It doesn't do much damage straight away, but gradually corrodes your skin over the course of a few days, can be highly fatal.

5 Snail mucus
6 Feathers of a living bird
7 A living venus flytrap
8 Sand
9 Bleach
10 A mousetrap
The Contenders
11 Seashells
12 Pokemon Cards

Can we get this to number 1?

13 Stuffed Animals
14 Broken Glass
15 CDs
16 Sand Paper
17 Cheese Grater
18 Clothes
19 Cactus
20 Poison Ivy
21 Katana
22 iPad
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