Top Ten Scientific Phrases With Funny Meanings

We come across with these phrases in different scientific textbooks and lectures. Well these meanings do have some truth in them.
The Top Ten
1 PHRASE- It has long been known. MEANING- I haven't bothered to look up the reference

Experts say that it has long been known that weasel words virtually have ambiguous and vague meanings who knew?

2 PHRASE- It is generally believed. MEANING- A couple of other guys think so too
3 PHRASE- Of great theoretical importance. MEANING- I find it kind of interesting
4 PHRASE- 3 samples were chosen for further study. MEANING- The others didn't make sense, so we ignored them
5 PHRASE- The significance of these results is unclear. MEANING- Look at the pretty artifact
6 PHRASE- These investigations proved highly rewarding. MEANING- My grant is going to be renewed
7 PHRASE- I thank X for assistance with the experiments and Y for useful discussions on the interperetation of the data. MEANING- X did the experiment and Y explained it to me

Truth is, this is said a lot. We can all see through it now.

8 PHRASE- It is believed. MEANING- I think
9 PHRASE- It might be argued that. MEANING- I have such a good answer for this objection that I shall now raise it
10 PHRASE- The 4 hour sample was not studied. MEANING- I dropped it on the floor

This is the only good one here

Laugh out loud. Good list.

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